Prof. Dr. Thomas Sommerer


Since October 2020, I am Professor of International Organizations at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Potsdam.

Previously, I have been working at  Stockholm University, the University of Konstanz (Dr. rer soc., 2009), the University of Hamburg, and the Max Planck Institute in Bonn.

My research is focussed on the design and performance of international organizations, democracy and legitimacy in global governance, and transnational processes of diffusion and learning.

You can find an overview of my research and recent papers on ResearchGate and

Selected publications:

  1. AufzählungszeichenSommerer, Thomas, Agné, Hans, Zelli,     Fariborz, and Bart Bes (2022): Global Legitimacy Crises. Decline and Revival in Multilateral Governance. Oxford University Press.

  1. AufzählungszeichenSommerer, Thomas and Tallberg, Jonas (2019): Diffusion across International Organizations: Connectivity and  Convergence. International Organization, 73(2), 399-433.

  1. AufzählungszeichenTallberg, Jonas, Sommerer, Thomas, Squatrito, Theresa and Jönsson, Christer (2013): The Opening Up of International Organizations. Transnational Access in Global Governance. Cambridge University Press.

  1. AufzählungszeichenTallberg, Jonas, Sommerer, Thomas, Squatrito, Theresa and Jönsson, Christer (2014): Explaining the Transnational Design of International Organizations. International Organization, Volume 68 / Issue 04 / Fall 2014, pp 741-774.